Kinkly’s Sex Blogging Superheroes

This is just a very brief post to say that this week I found out that I’d been added to Kinkly’s list of top sex bloggers. I’ve only been blogging since February so this came as something of a surprise to be included.

I still feel as if sex blogging is one of those areas of the blogging community that is largely ignored. Yet, it seems to me to be such a thriving area, including everything from erotica, personal stories and sex toy reviews. It also feels  like an incredibly inclusive community with writing by underrepresented voices from the LGBT+the and BAEM communities.

So I have a favour to ask.

It's Time to Vote for This Year's Sex Blogging Superheroes!

Kinkly are looking for their Top 100 Sex Blogging Superheroes. The aim is to promote sex blogs on the internet. In order to be considered you must get five votes, that’s all. So, if you have a spare minute and you enjoy reading this blog and would like to continue supporting it, then please feel free to click on the link below and vote for my blog.

Vote for Kinkly’s Top Sex Blogging Superhereos

If you want to read more about how the blogs are judged, you can do so here

Sex blogging superheroes

Today is the last day to vote before it closes tomorrow so if you love this blog, then get voting quick! Vote before Monday 14th October.